As everyone is aware, our entry and exit gates have been experiencing more and more problems/outages over the last several years. Instead of waiting until they completely failed, it was determined over the summer that a committee would be formed to address this issue. Eight community members volunteered to look at various ways to address this. Possibilities ranged from replacing mechanical portion only, or choosing a new gate system that would also enhance the look of our neighborhood.

The committee has had discussions with at least eight vendors to perform this work. The committee has also been looking at different gate design ideas, some of which vendors have provided, some ideas from other neighborhoods, and designs created by committee members.

Over the last few months, they have narrowed the vendor list to four.  The gate design will be narrowed to 4 or 5 by mid Oct. The Committee’s goal is to have consensus on a final gate design and vendor selection to present to the Board by the end of the year.