On Saturday, June 27th, at approximately 9-10 pm, a large group of  teen/young adults were in our pool complex, stating “a relative lived in the neighborhood”.  A Fairfield resident was returning home at approximately 10pm and called the Oro Valley Police Department after witnessing the party at the pool.  The unauthorized group gained access through the main gate and parked 8 vehicles on Mulligan and Maxfli while they were in the pool/spa. The board will investigate how the vehicles gained access. We think one of the group, jumped the fence and let all others in the pool gate. The Oro Valley Police Officer who responded stated this activity has been common in many local community pools, however, this does not make us feel any better. It does not answer the question of how they were able to enter through the gates.  We have had kids discreetly jump the fence and used the pool in the past, this time they were very forward and parked their cars on our streets.  The good thing is, the police intervened and removed the group.Thankfully, no damage was done to the property, and just extra cleaning was needed.  If you saw or heard anything on Saturday night; cars, voices etc, please contact Susan Wood.  Please, be alert going forward and call the OV police and use the emergency HBS number to report unusual activity at the pool.Your eye and ears are appreciated!

The Fairfield Board