In the July Newsletter, we looked at “HOA DOCS”.  In June, we covered the “CONTACT” form, so this time, we will show you the other forms available on the website:

Homeowners have access to 5 electronic forms on the Fairfield website.  The “CONTACT” form, as mentioned, and the ARC Request Form, Guest Information Form, Tenant Information Form, and Pool Reservation Form.

1. After logging in to the website, click on ‘FORMS’ on the green menu bar as indicated below.

2. On the right side is a list of the forms available to Homeowners. The CONTACT form is noted in green in the 2nd paragraph. Also note, the BOARD ONLY form. This form is for a Board Member to submit an Announcement item to the website team.

3. Click on the form you wish to complete and submit. As an example, we have clicked on the ARC Request form below.

4. Homeowner Information is automatically populated on every form as shown in the sample below:

5. Scroll down the form and continue completing the necessary information. Items with a red *(asterisk) must be filled in to submit the form. When you have completed the form, click ‘SUBMIT’ at the bottom. CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR A CONFIRMATION THE FORM WAS SUBMITTED. Also, a copy of all forms you submit will be in your ‘MY PROFILE’ section.

If you have any questions, please contact a Website Team member – Sharon Jarvis, Al Stecklein, Linda Longlet, Joe Brandhuber