Greetings Fairfield Homeowners,

Thank you to all that worked for hours to decorate the common areas for the holidays.  The removal will take place Saturday, Jan. 6 at 1:00pm.  Rich Hill will be there to lead the efforts.  He will be preparing and labeling boxes to be ready to better organize the decorations.  Please come on Saturday and help!

The Annual Meeting date has been tentatively set for Thursday, February 22 at 4:00pm.  The meeting will be held at the Fairfield cabana.

A Board member election will begin soon.  Within a few days a Self Nomination Form will be added to the Fairfield website.  Please consider serving our community.  Feel free to speak with the current Board members if you have any questions.

Safe travels back to those that have been away for the Holidays.  Remember to contact a Board member with the  5 digit codes from your clickers/cards/headlight strips upon your return.  Be prepared to push # and then your 4 digit code at the keypad to enter the gate until your access device can be programmed.  Contact a Board member with questions.

Best Regards,

Sharon Jarvis, President

Craig MacKay, Vice President/Secretary

Sharon Scott, Treasurer