Greetings to all our Fairfield homeowners!  Whether you are near or far, we hope you and your loved ones are well and enjoying your summer.  We would like to provide a couple of reminders that help make Fairfield a safe and beautiful neighborhood.  Please review the following two reminders and contact a Board member if you have further questions.

Community Safety and Property

An email was sent to homeowners on June 29th about an unauthorized group using the Fairfield pool area.  As a recap, Saturday, June 27th, at approximately 9-10 pm. a large group of teens/young adults were in our pool complex.  A Fairfield resident returning home at approximately 10 p.m. noticed the activity and called the Oro Valley Police Department. The unauthorized group gained access through the main vehicle gate and parked 8 cars on Mulligan and Maxfli.  A person then jumped the fence and opened the pool gate for the rest of the group. The Oro Valley Police Officer who responded stated this activity has been common in many local community pools. No names were taken because the Police Officer did not see drugs or alcohol and there was no evidence of property damage.  The group was escorted out.

Working with the Kaiser Gate company, the Board determined a resident’s personal gate code was used without their knowledge numerous times over a short period of time consistent with the time frame of the unauthorized pool group.  The resident requested and was given a new gate code.

The Board reminds residents that their personal gate code provides 24/7 access.  The code should not be given to contractors, delivery companies, real estate agents, etc.  A temporary code can be requested by contacting HBS.  Please request a new code if you believe your code has been compromised.

When reporting suspicious activity to the police department, please request a police report.  If a report is not requested, as in this case, and the police do not see evidence of illegal activity a Basic Incident (“BI”) report will be generated that does not identify individuals.

For the safety of our community, please be watchful and report suspicious activity.

ARC Forms

An ARC form is required in our community whenever changes are made to the exterior of your home or yard, front or back.  This includes exterior repairs, paint, landscaping, and lighting.  Work being done on the roof also requires an ARC approval, such as sealing the roof because the color of the sealant needs to be approved, tile work on the roof, parapet repair and painting, and adding solar panels.  Approval from the ARC committee must be obtained before any changes/work takes place.   Complete guidelines are found in the CC&Rs and Design Guidelines.

If approval is not obtained before work commences a homeowner will be requested to stop work and could receive a notice of violation.  You can also consult with an ARC committee member before submitting a request.  A simple guideline to determine if an ARC form is required:  submit an ARC request if the change is outside of your house.

The Fairfield website contains the electronic ARC request for approval form. The typical turnaround time once submitted is less than 5 days. The homeowner will electronically be notified if the proposed project is approved or not approved. As part of the review process the ARC may ask for additional information.  Please be as detailed and complete as possible in the initial ARC request.  This will benefit both the submitter and the ARC committee.

Certain projects, for example in ground pools, will require VCA approval before the project can commence.  If VCA approval is required for a project Fairfield’s ARC committee will assist the homeowner.