Here is a list of the monthly newsletter tutorials and the corresponding date they were published on the website in Announcements:

Website Tips and Tools: The Trades List 6/29/21

Website Tips and Tools: Self Nomination Form for Election to the Board 1/31/21

Website Tips and Tools: Community FAQ’s and Answers 12/31/20

Website Tips and Tools: More Info on “News and Resources 11/30/20

Website Tips and Tools: News and Resources 10/31/20

Website Tips and Tools: Fairfield Directory 9/29/20

Website Tips & Tools: Submitting an ARC Request with ‘Supporting Documents’ 8/29/20

Helpful Website Tips & Tools: Forms 7/30/20

Helpful Website Tips & Tools: HOA Docs 6/19/20

Helpful Website Tips & Tools: Using the “Contact” form 5/30/20


Are there more subjects or questions about using the website that need to be covered?  Would you like the tutorials to be repeated?

Please provide your input to a member of the Website Communications Committee.

Thank you,

Linda Longlet

Sharon Jarvis

Al Stecklein