Fairfield’s common areas have undergone 3 major capital improvement projects.  In addition to our new mailboxes completed this past spring, a complete new irrigation system has been installed and the landscape lighting/electrical has been completely  upgraded.

The new mailboxes have larger mail boxes, mail slots that can accommodate 11X13 envelopes, added large parcel boxes, and are lit at night.  In addition to the greater functionality, the bronze metal, stacked stone, and lighting add curb appeal!  Thanks again to the mailbox committee members!

The new irrigation system offers more dependability of irrigation and ensures our vegetation receives the proper amount of water.  All of the water lines have been replaced with PVC and have thus far reduced water line breaks and leaks.  The new “port” system for drip lines allows for better monitoring the water use at each plant.  The new irrigation system also allows for future new vegetation.

The landscape lighting and electrical work has streamlined our transforms and timers for a more efficient and easier to use system.  The electrical upgrade was needed for in-ground junction boxes, new wiring placed in conduit, a transformer dedicated for the gate and outside area, and a transformer for inside the gate including the pool area.  Our trees, shrubs, cacti, and boulder rocks are strategically lighted at night.  Pathway lights have been replaced or renovated and carefully set for safety on the sidewalks.  All lights have been converted to LED and the transformers property wired to ensure the full lifetime of the bulbs.

I would like to thank our Landscape Committee members for the amount of time and efforts needed to assist in the completion of the irrigation and lighting projects:  Cathy Wayand, Bill Sugars, Nancy Olson, and Gary and Isabel Hendricks!