Over the last few years some homeowners expressed difficulty reading the address numbers due to direct sunlight, night time low light, and fading of the color of the numbers.  The homeowners were concerned about first responders, visitors, and delivery persons being able to read the numbers easily.

A homeowner committee was formed to address the concerns and present a recommendation at the annual meeting.  The committee recommended replacing the address plaques for all homeowners.

After much discussion and idea sharing at the Annual Meeting, a compromise was decided upon.  The current address plaques would remain; however, each homeowner would paint their numbers black.

Thank you to all the homeowners that have changed the numbers on their address plaques to black.

There are about 17 homes that have not yet changed the numbers to black.  If you need assistance painting the house numbers black, please let us know.  We have neighborhood volunteers that will paint the house numbers free of charge.

Best Regards,

The Fairfield Board