Greetings Fairfield Homeowners,

Jan 15, 2022!!!  At the Cabana, after 2 years!  Kris Carr, Meridith Hill, Rita Graber and Evanka Herbers…..we are planning to keep us all healthy by moving the tables further apart, around the outer areas.

Also having tables called to choose their soups, not the usual crowded venue of the past.  We have 9 soups so far…..any other contributions are appreciated!

Any other suggestions will be appreciated by all.  Possibly have servers?…keep it simple this first time. Bring your own wine and/or water.

We would do bread or rolls.  plates, cups, spoons….just cookies from Costco….or desserts by neighbors?  It has been too long between social gatherings.  And meet our new neighbors!

Please note: You are welcome to attend if you are 2 weeks past your 2nd COVID-19 vaccine, If you have recovered from a COVID-19 infection, a vaccination is required. (In conjunction with the Federal Government Executive Order 13991)

Please contact a committee member is you have suggestions and/or would like to contribute a soup.

Your Souper Supper Committe