Thank you to all the homeowners that were able to attend.  The following are a few highlights; not replacing minutes that will be approved at the next Board meeting.

Gate Camera Proposal

The presentation was made by Craig MacKay.  The estimated initial cost would be $550.  The estimated cost of storage on a cloud would be $120 per month.  A camera would be installed to capture the incoming vehicle license plates and another camera to capture exit gate vehicle plates.  The proposal passed unanimously.

Establishing A Reserve Fund Saving Account

Craig MacKay presented possibilities for an account to yield much higher interest for the Reserve Funds. A motion to approve transferring the Reserve Funds, except approximately $5,000, to a higher interest savings account.

 A motion, second, and approved unanimously subject to the following conditions:

  • FDIC insurance
  • Development of funds transfer protocol.

Homeowner’s Forum

 Linda Longlet made a proposal to add signage on Highlands Drive advertising Fairfield’s participation in the VCA Community Yard Sale in April.

A motion was made, seconded, and approved unanimously for funds NTE $200 for the signage.  The yard sale is Saturday, April 13, 7:00am-2:00pm.

Donna Williams asked about the cabana heater.  Donna agreed to follow-up on the research that Joe Wetzel had done in the past to find a replacement or new system that meets code.