From: Fairfield of Rancho Vistoso No 1, Board of Directors
Re: The proposed changes to the General Plan, Rezoning and future development of the Romspen Vistoso Golf Property
Date: April 22, 2020
We the Board of Directors are writing on behalf of the homeowners of Fairfield of Rancho Vistoso. Fairfield is a community of 68 homes of which 42 are directly on the former Vistoso Golf Course. We recognize the Town of Oro Valley’s legal requirement to process the Romspen request in the calendar year of 2020. We were concerned the electronic process limits the responses to the request for a General Plan Amendment and PAD rezoning. We certainly hope the COVID-19 quarantine will be lifted to allow the person to person meetings scheduled for August and September to occur.
The two proposed plans for development on the Romspen Vistoso Golf property creates many concerns for our residents. Neither plan is an appropriate addition to the existing properties. The construction of an assisted care facility that is surrounded on two sides by single family homes is completely out of the neighborhood character. This parcel of land is ringed by established neighborhoods, with quiet streets and abundant wildlife. There are numerous reasons why this development is not a good fit for the community of Rancho Vistoso and the Town of Oro Valley; traffic congestion, stress on services, water use, light and noise pollution, infrastructure and bordering neighborhood street water runoff, just to list a few. As this process moves forward, we are certain you will be hearing from many of our individual residents directly. They will be expressing specific issues they are most passionate about. The purpose of this letter is to inform the Town Council of the Fairfield Board’s position and to open an ongoing dialog.
Our hope is that The Town of Oro Valley’s Council has the vision to take advantage of this unique opportunity to save this rare parcel of desert land, located in the center of Rancho Vistoso. This natural desert, with wild life and walking paths would be an asset for all citizens of Oro Valley and residents of Rancho Vistoso to enjoy for generations to come.
Thank you for your consideration.
The Fairfield of Rancho Vistoso Homeowners, Board of Directors
Joe Brandhuber
Fred Wayand
Susan Wood