Fred Wayand, member of the Fairfield Board and Treasurer, informed the Board that he is resigning his position as Treasurer and Board member effective with the Annual Meeting March 22, 2022.  Fred will support the Board in an advisory capacity.

In his role as Treasurer Fred: (a) tracked monthly budget performance including variance analysis; (b) authorized payment of all invoices; (c) developed cost projections necessary to develop Fairfield’s operating and reserve budgets; (d) lead Fairfield’s effort in the accounting system change to the TOPS program HBS implemented; and (e) was guardian of our funds.

In his role as a Board member Fred: (a) oversaw our pool contractor; (b) worked with the Town of Oro Valley to resolve drainage issues; (c) worked with our outside consultant to develop a drainage plan as required the Town of Oro Valley; and (d) Board representative on various committees.

Most importantly Fred was always responsive to the needs of Fairfield.

Thanks, Fred for your efforts.  With additional free time we are confident you will better in the 2022 Tour de Tucson your top 50 performance in the 2021Tour de Tucson.

Joe Brandhuber                                                     Sharon Jarvis