Hello Fairfield homeowners,

 This website announcement is the Notice of the 2021 Fairfield Annual Meeting to be held on:

  Thursday, April 1, 2021

  Sign in starts at 12:45pm (MST)

  Call to order shall be at 1:00pm (MST)

Due to COVID-19, the meeting is being hosted on GoToMeeting.

Owners may attend by phone, tablet or computer.

Attendance instructions are on the Agenda, page 2 of the packet.

Each homeowner will be mailed the Agenda, document packet, and ballot.

To view the agenda and packet digitally CLICK HERE.

      Select only one method for attendance to reduce meeting interference:   

  1. Phone: (408) 650-3123      Access: 964-258-133
  2. Computer, tablet or smartphone     https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/964258133

      Note: If your devices are paired, please have only one device in use or in range for the meeting.  This will assist reduction in static interference of the meeting.


For the election- Ballots are due by Wednesday, March 31, 2021 12:00pm (MST).

You may wait and use the ballot in the mail or use the PDF link below.  Download the PDF, print it, fill in the ballot, sign the return envelope via Arizona Revised Statues , and mail by March 20, 2021 to:

HBS Management Solutions, 6258 E Grant Road, Tucson Az 85712

Another option would be to download the PDF, print it, fill in the ballot, scan it and email it to to brenda@HBSManagementSolutions.com.

 To open the PDF ballot CLICK HERE.


Brenda Goodell

Property Manager

HBS Management Solutions


Phone 520-462-0449

Monday- Friday  8:30am-4:30pm